Vehicle Maintenance

    For each vehicle, before it is used on the network, an Entity responsible for maintenance shall be identified and registered in the vehicle register.

    Without prejudice to the obligation of railway undertakings and infrastructure managers for the safe operation of trains, the Entity responsible for maintenance shall ensure the safe operating condition of the vehicles for the maintenance of which it is responsible. The entity responsible for maintenance shall set up a system for the maintenance of these vehicles, and through this system:

  • ensures that the vehicles are maintained in accordance with the documents relating to the maintenance of each vehicle and with the provisions in force, including the maintenance rules and the relevant provisions of the TSIs;
  • apply the necessary risk identification and assessment methods set out in the Common Safety Methods (CSMs);
  • ensures that its contractors take measures to control risk through the application of the process monitoring methods set out in the SMS on monitoring and that this is provided for in the contractual clauses to be disclosed at the request of the European Railway Agency or the national safety authority;
  • ensures traceability of maintenance activities.

    The maintenance system shall consist of the following functions:

  • a management function to oversee and coordinate maintenance functions and to ensure the safe operating condition of the vehicle on the railway system;
  • a maintenance development function, which is responsible for managing maintenance documentation, including configuration management, based on design and operational data, as well as quality and lessons learn.
  • a fleet maintenance management function to manage the retirement of the vehicle for maintenance and its re-entry into service after maintenance;
  • a maintenance function to carry out the necessary technical maintenance of the vehicle or parts thereof, including the documentation for placing in service.