Safety Certificate Part A and Part B
General Information
Safety Certificate Part A - represents a certificate confirming the acceptance of the railway enterprise's safety management system, described in Article 9 and Annex III of Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on safety on the Community's railways.
Safety Certificate Part B - represents a certificate confirming the acceptance of provisions adopted by the railway enterprise to meet specific requirements for safe operation on the respective network. The requirements may include the application of TSIs and national safety rules, acceptance of personnel certificates, and authorization for the commissioning of rolling stock used by the railway enterprise. The certificate is based on documentation provided by the railway company, described in Annex IV of Directive 2004/49/EC.
With the entry into force of the directives from the 4th railway package, Directive 2004/49/EC has been repealed and Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the safety of railway transport is in force.
The issuance of Safety Certificate Parts A and B has been repealed, and a Single Safety Certificate is issued after accessing the one-stop shop system –
Safety Certificates Parts A and B for railway enterprises, issued before 16 June 2019 by the Executive Agency "Railway Administration", remain valid until the expiry of their issued term.